Saddle Car

Choosing a fitting saddle from a store can be very challenging for various reasons. Firstly, the saddle might look nice but you have no idea how it will fit your horse. Secondly, even if you can sit in the saddle in the store, it will most likely feel different once you sit in it while it is on the back of your horse. 

With the concept of the saddle car we are making the decision of buying a new saddle easier: we take a selection of saddles with us and come to you. I will be there to find out which saddles fit on your horses back. After this you get to test ride all the fitting saddles. Then you can choose, if you want to buy one of them, or not. Simple!

 Here is how the process works:

  • We come to you with possibly fitting saddles and examine how
    these saddles fit on your horse(s).

  • You get to test ride all the saddles that fit your horse(s).

  • We will help you find out if the saddle also fits you.

  • You decide whether you want to buy one of the saddles or not.
    There is no obligation to buy anything.

  • If you end up buying a saddle you still have a week to think about
    whether you like it or not. If you don't like it you can return the

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Some things to keep in mind:

  • During the test ride and when you have the saddle during the trial period the saddle is on your responsibility. If you decide to return the saddle, please make sure it is clean.

  • While riding during the trial period please use a saddle pad to keep the saddle clean. 

  • If you want to return the saddle you will have to let us know during the trial week.

  • If you don't return the saddle by the time agreed, we will charge you 4.000kr/day for every extra day you have the saddle. If you have a specific reason the keep the saddle in trial for longer time please let us know and we can agree on exceptions. 

  • I charge kilometer allowance when I drive to you. Therefore the fitting will be cheaper for you if someone else in the same place also wants to get a saddle fitting and you can share the kilometer allowance costs. 


  • Saddle fitting: 11.900kr per horse + 60kr per kilometer for the drive to you.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you have!